• Welcome to our new Engineering Blog
    Introducing the LexisNexis engineering blog

    A short introduction to this new blog sharing our software development journey

    Sitting down to write this first post in a new blog that will over time represent engineering at LexisNexis is a daunting task. This is a new venture. The company has a long history providing applications and services to the legal profession but blogging about tech is new. Check out... Read Moreread article

  • New job, fully remote, in a global pandemic - how our ways of working helped me feel part of a team
    coffee mug with the word

    A story about how our engineering team collaborates in a remote set-up

    Starting a new job is exciting but it’s always hard. You need to find your feet, figure out who is who, and who does what, what your immediate priorities are, how they fit with the wider organisation, what’s the expected standard, etc. It’s even harder when you’re based at home... Read Moreread article