Welcome to our new Engineering Blog

A short introduction to this new blog sharing our software development journey
Written by Graham Brooks

Sitting down to write this first post in a new blog that will over time represent engineering at LexisNexis is a daunting task. This is a new venture. The company has a long history providing applications and services to the legal profession but blogging about tech is new. Check out our web site LexisNexis Legal & Professional for details.

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Blogging about our software development practices is a new for us. For those of you who are comfortable sharing insights with the world it might be hard to recognize that this change is a pretty substantial change and accompanied by challenges and risks. If you work for a company that does not have a social sharing outlet maybe this contribution might encourage you to at least have the conversation.

When I joined LexisNexis a few years ago I had spent around 15 years in consulting, and sharing experiences was not only accepted but encouraged. After all, we all progress and improve by sharing ideas and innovations in the way that software is built and delivered. The Legal domain is fascinatingly complex and steeped in history. How we model this domain requires a corresponding complexity in the domain logic of our systems.

In joining LexisNexis as Chief Engineer one of my goals was to become more open to the engineering community and encourage the sharing our engineering work. By creating this blog and setting up open source projects, we are able to share the innovations, challenges and approaches that we use to deliver the software systems that fuel our products and provide value to our customers.

Sharing takes practice and focus. In addition to sharing our software development experiences, we are also working to contribute to the ever-growing wealth of open source software. We hope that others may benefit from our contributions and continue to push the boundaries of the possible.

As with every new adventure we have taken the first step, with our first open source project and our first articles. It’s the first step of what I expect will be many.